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الخميس - رمضان 13, 1446
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ACUSON Juniper and ACUSON Maple Ultrasound systems
الأجهزة المتأثرة
Ultrasound System: ACUSON Juniper 1.0 (Software Version: VA10G and prior); REF / Model: 11335791 ACUSON Juniper 1.5 (Software Version: VB10H and prior); REF / Model: 11335791 ACUSON Juniper 2.0 (Software Version: VB11C and prior); REF / Model: 11335791 ACUSON Juniper 2.5 (Software Version: VB30D and prior); REF / Model: 11335791 ACUSON Juniper Select 2.0 (Software Version: VB11C and prior); REF / Model: 11653093 ACUSON Juniper Select 2.5 (Software Version: VB30D and prior); REF / Model: 11653093 ACUSON Maple 1.0 (Software Version: VA10A); REF / Model: 11711779 ACUSON Maple Select 1.0 (Software Version: VA10A); REF / Model: 11711779
الممثل المعتمد
سبب المشكلة
The system incorrectly performs a unit conversion of liters to milliliters using a multiplier of 100 (one hundred) instead of using the correct multiplier of 1000 (one thousand) in specific situations, described in the attachment. The result of this conversion error is the presentation of a 10x under-estimated measured value.
الإجراء التصحيحي
To avoid potential misdiagnosis by an under-represented volume flow measurement value, use the factory default display configuration of l/min (liters per minute). Siemens Healthineers recommends a review of previous examination results ONLY if a clinical assessment reviewed a volume flow measurement(s) with the unit of measurement configured to display a value in milliliters. This issue will be corrected by Siemens Healthineers with a free-of-charge software update to your ACUSON Juniper and ACUSON Maple systems.
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