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الجمعة - رمضان 14, 1446
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Aisys CS2, Avance CS2, Avance CS2 Pro, Aisys, Avance, Amingo, Aespire 100, Aespire View, Aespire 7900, and Aespire 7100 anesthesia devices equipped with the Auxiliary Common Gas Outlet (ACGO)
الأجهزة المتأثرة
Aespire 7100, Aespire 100, S/5 Aespire 7900 (GTIN-00840682102261) Aespire View (GTIN-00840682102285) Avance, Amingo, Avance CS2 and Avance CS2 Pro (GTIN-00840682102322) Aisys, Aisys CS2 (GTIN-00840682102292) Aisys CS2 with Et Control (GTIN-00195278588128) machines configured with ACGO option.
الممثل المعتمد
General Electric Healthcare Arabia
سبب المشكلة
A potential issue that may arise if the limb of a patient breathing circuit is mistakenly connected to the Auxiliary Common Gas Outlet (ACGO) port.
الإجراء التصحيحي
You can continue to use your anesthesia system in accordance with the instructions in the User Reference Manual (URM) and the actions described in the attachment in the part of actions to be taken by Customer/User. GE HealthCare will provide a customer-installable kit containing covers for the ACGO Port and ACGO Switch of impacted devices. Update Action: The Updated FSN contains QR code that direct to the updated Technical Reference Manuals.
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