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الجمعة - شعبان 8, 1446
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Dexcom G6 Receiver
الأجهزة المتأثرة
Part Number (SKUs, Part Description): MT24078-1 (STK-GS-013, STR-GS-004, Dexcom G6 Receiver – mg/dL) MT24078-2 (STK-GS-109, STR-GS-102, Dexcom G6 Receiver – mmol/L)
الممثل المعتمد
Bio Standards LLC
سبب المشكلة
Dexcom recently became aware that customers using the G6 Receivers may experience a problem where alarm/alerts may not function as designed.
الإجراء التصحيحي
A software update is being developed to correct this problem and customers will be notified when it is available, please follow the recomendations in the attachment. Manufacturer action: Instructions and correction.
عودة للقائمة