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الأربعاء - شعبان 6, 1446
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اسم الجهاز الطبي
K‐Systems™ T47 470‐ x 400‐mm Warming Plate, K‐Systems™ T45 356‐ x 220‐mm Warming Plate, K‐Systems™ G73 Block Warmer, K‐Systems™ G85 Mini Incubator, K‐Systems™ R65 Trolley
الأجهزة المتأثرة
Device Name (Device Part Number): K‐Systems™ T47 470‐ x 400‐mm Warming Plate (K23054), K‐Systems™ T45 356‐ x 220‐mm Warming Plate (K23055), K‐Systems™ G73 Block Warmer (K22065), K‐Systems™ G85 Mini Incubator (K22074), K‐Systems™ R65 Trolley (K24012) Please refer to the attachment for device serial numbers.
الممثل المعتمد
GT Medical
سبب المشكلة
The warming surfaces or incubator well temperatures of the above listed products may exceed the desired set temperature.
الإجراء التصحيحي
G85 Mini Incubators with serial numbers listed in the attachment are impacted and require repair. 1. Inspect your inventory, identify, and discontinue use. 2. Contact your local Service Representative to arrange a repair. T45, T47, R65, and G73 with serial numbers listed in the attachment may be impacted and require inspection to determine the need for repair. 1. Inspect your inventory, identify, and discontinue use. 2. Contact your local Service Representative to arrange an inspection of the affected product. If your product is affected, the product will be repaired. Manufacturer Action: Instructions and Correction.
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