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السبت - رمضان 15, 1446
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أسئلة شائعة
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الرقم المرجعي
الشركة الصانعة
اسم الجهاز الطبي
SENSE XL Torso (1.5T and 3.0T) Coils
الأجهزة المتأثرة
Models: 45356714188x, 45356750228x, 45980158521x, 45356739494x, 45980159318x All serial numbers of all iterations of the models above.
الممثل المعتمد
Philips Healthcare Saudi Arabia Ltd.
سبب المشكلة
It has been identified an issue in the SENSE XL Torso (1.5T and 3.0T) coils which may result in localized heating during the scan, resulting in potential harm to patients.
الإجراء التصحيحي
Please refer to the attachment for details (Actions that should be taken by the customer / user). Manufacturer Action: Instructions and Correction.
عودة للقائمة