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Cordis SELUTION SLRTM 018 PTA 3.0mm X 100mm Balloon Catheters
الأجهزة المتأثرة
Item/Product Number| Lot Number: SE18030100| L92505 SE18030100| L92835 SE18030100| L93029 SE18030100| L934950
الممثل المعتمد
Attieh Medico Ltd
سبب المشكلة
There is potential for deflation difficulty or “slow deflation” of 4 lots of SELUTION SLRTM 018 PTA 3.0mm X 100mm balloon catheters.
الإجراء التصحيحي
Immediately check your inventory to confirm that you do not have any units from the affected lots in your possession. Identify and set aside any units from the identified lots in a manner that ensures the affected product will not be used. Check all storage and usage locations. Return any affected product to the manufacturer representative. Manufacturer Action: Removal.
عودة للقائمة