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الثلاثاء - رجب 14, 1446
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اسم الجهاز الطبي
Atellica CH Analyzer and Atellica CI Analyzer
الأجهزة المتأثرة
Assay: Atellica CH β2-Microglobulin (B2M) Test Code B2M Siemens Material Number/Unique Device Identification: 11097635/00630414595566 Lot Number: All lots
الممثل المعتمد
Abdulrehman Algosaibi GTC
سبب المشكلة
The potential for falsely depressed auto-diluted results for samples above the measuring interval of 18.00 mg/L, up to 30.00 mg/L, when using the Atellica CH β2-Microglobulin (B2M) reagent. Results within the measuring interval (0.25-18.00 mg/L) are not impacted. This issue applies to all in-date and future Atellica CH B2M reagent lots for use on Atellica® CH and Atellica® CI Analyzers.
الإجراء التصحيحي
• Please review the attachment with your Medical Director to determine the appropriate course of action, including for any previously generated results, if applicable. • Manually dilute patient samples that are > 18.00 mg/L: 1. Navigate to the CH Test Definition screen. 2. Under Measuring Interval, uncheck “Repeat when Outside Measuring Interval.” 3. For samples that generate test results > 18.00 mg/L, prepare a 1:2 manual dilution with saline solution (0.9% unbuffered Isotonic saline). 4. From the Create Patient Order screen, order the sample and enter “2” in the manual dilution field on the left of the screen. Note: The system will apply the 1:2 dilution factor and calculate the final result. 5. Process the manually diluted sample. 6. Report results greater than 36.00 mg/L as “>36.00 mg/L.” The Atellica CH B2M assay IFU will be updated with the above steps to support manual 1:2 dilution only with saline for samples > 18.00 mg/L. Please see Appendix in the attachment, Table 2, for data using these revised instructions. Manufacturer Action: Instructions and Correction.
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