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الأربعاء - شعبان 6, 1446
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أسئلة شائعة
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الرقم المرجعي
الشركة الصانعة
اسم الجهاز الطبي
Philips Azurion Systems
الأجهزة المتأثرة
System Product Name (Model Number): Azurion 3M12 (722063) Azurion 3M15 (722064) Azurion 7B12 (722067) Azurion 7B20 (722068) Azurion 7M12 (722078) Azurion 7M20 (722079)
الممثل المعتمد
Philips Healthcare Saudi Arabia Ltd
سبب المشكلة
It has been identified two issues in software version R1.x of the Philips Azurion system that may affect management of the system Log Trace Files and Time to Perform a Cold Restart, that may result in the system exhibiting a loss of imaging (X-ray) functionality and/or a prolonged restart time.
الإجراء التصحيحي
It is being worked on a software release (R2.2.10) by Philips that will correct these two issues For those systems that have an Interventional Workspot (IW) and/or EchoNavigator, Philips will upgrade the software version of the IW and/or EchoNavigator to maintain compatibility with the updated Philips Azurion system software (R2.2.10). You will be contacted by your local Philips representative to schedule a visit to install the software update once available. Should you experience a loss of imaging (X-ray) functionality or a prolonged system restart time, call your local Philips representative to report the event.
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