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الأربعاء - شعبان 6, 1446
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اسم الجهاز الطبي
Atellica® CH and Atellica® CI Analyzers
الأجهزة المتأثرة
Assay (Test Code): Atellica CH Microalbumin_2 (μALB_2) Siemens material number/ UDI: 11097610/ 00630414596310 Lot numbers (Expiry dates): 232033 (1-Dec-2024), 232128 (1-Dec-2024), 232137 (1-Dec-2024), 232146 (1-Dec-2024), 232147 (1-Dec-2024), 242149 (1-Apr-2025), 242150 (1-Apr-2025) and 242365 (1-Sep-2025)
الممثل المعتمد
سبب المشكلة
The Atellica® CH Microalbumin_2 (ìALB_2) lots listed in the table attached are not meeting the High-Dose Hook Effect claim as stated in the Instructions for Use (IFU) on the Atellica® CH and Atellica® CI Analyzers.
الإجراء التصحيحي
• Please review the attachment with your Medical Director to determine the appropriate course of action, including for any previously generated results, if applicable. • Customers can continue to use the impacted μALB_2 lots above, with the understanding that patient samples with values above 9,500 mg/dL (95,000 mg/L) can result in falsely depressed results. • Please retain the attachment with your laboratory records.
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